CAREERS: Staff information and resources
As a member of staff, you are an important part of the careers provision for pupils at Future First Independent School. Whether teaching or non-teaching, you will come into contact with pupils and you may well be asked careers-based questions or take part in career-based discussions.
Teachers at Future First Independent School have access to a variety of information linking curriculum learning to careers and the world of work which is held in a central place on our staff area ‘CAREERS’ and ‘STEAM for all’, in addition to resources on the CAREERS area of the website.
Here are some ideas of what you can do:
- Familiarise yourself with the Gatsby Benchmarks, particularly Gatsby Benchmark 4.
- Embed careers into your scheme of work to help pupils see the links between curriculum learning and careers (Gatsby Benchmark 4).
- Highlight jobs that use your subject and the pathways into them.
- Embed Skills Builder into your lessons, reinforcing the language of employability skills, such as listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork.
- Have a careers notice / display board related to your subject in each classroom.
- Become familiar with future jobs related to your curriculum area and new qualifications and pathways such as T Levels, advanced and higher apprenticeships.
- Encourage pupils to take part in extra-curricular activities, volunteering, work experience and National Citizen Service.
- Become familiar with the Future First Independent School Careers Programme to see what we offer our pupils.
- Meet with the Careers Team to share ideas and ask for support.
Useful websites
Gatsby Benchmark 4
Careers & Enterprise Company:
National Careers Service:
UCAS Explore Jobs:
icould Teaching Resources:
Success at School: Career Zones:
Target Careers: Career Sectors:
Target Careers: Apprenticeships:
Amazing Apprenticeships:
Not Going to Uni:
Higher Education University
University and College Admissions Service UCAS:
What Uni:
The Uni Guide: